

Thematic Baselines

List of documents

National Development Strategy – Conditions & Challenges

The National Development Strategy – Conditions & Challenges document summarizes all the conclusions drawn from the summary analyzes in thematic units and presents the current situation and the challenges in the country in one place, serving as the basis for the preparation of the National Development Strategy. It has been developed by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) as the highest scientific and artistic institution in the country. MASA was actively involved in the process of preparation of the NDS by providing validation of the results from the previously prepared thematic diagnostic studies. Building upon documents produced in the previous project phase and the development framework MKD 2030, this analysis pinpoints the most important aspects of the State-of-the-art analysis for the Country, covering the challenges and possibilities in four specific areas - human capital, growth, environment & energy and infrastructure & public institutions. In addition, within the document the Vision for the country has been drafted based on the ideas and proposals that were shared by the citizens on the 40 dream labs we have organized during 2022.


Innovative mechanisms and instruments for financing strategic national documents

This study gives an overview of the current mechanisms to finance core national development documents/plans/strategies and what lessons can be drawn for mainstream and innovative financing vehicles in our context.


Fact Sheets

Brief information on the processes / prepared documents related to the process of preparation of the National Development Strategy 2022 - 2042


Methodological approach (Methodology)

The methodological and management framework will provide a long-term vision and roadmap for the economic, social, cultural and environmental development of Northern Macedonia. The main focus was on creating opportunities and social resilience to deal with the growing insecurity and risk in our interconnected world, as well as on climate change and digital transformation. The model that will be used in the preparation of the National Development Strategy 2022 - 2042 - "Donut Model" is a visual framework for "safe and fair space" created by Kate Ravort. This framework combines the concept of planetary boundaries originally proposed by Johann Rockstrom and colleagues with the complementary concept of social boundaries added by Ravort.


Local Development study

Analytical input focusing on the interaction between local development and the national development strategy and guidelines for constructive involvement of local governments in the national planning process.


EU alignment study

Report on integration of the EU accession process into the National Development Strategy


A Comparative Study

The purpose of this study is not to provide a comprehensive analysis of each or any of the countries, but to surface key lessons that can inform the NDS writing process and structure in North Macedonia. It covers 7 counties, and is split into 3 sections


Outline NDS

Outline NDS


Draft NDS

Draft NDS


NDS for Youth

NDS for Youth


NDS Easy Read

NDS Easy Read


Law on National Development Strategy

Law on National Development Strategy




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