NDS key indicator dashboards showing targets and indicators related to each strategic area. Presentation of baseline, medium-term projections (2034) and long-term projections (2044)
The purpose of this call is to create a registry/base of external experts as members of the Working Committee, who will occasionally be engaged in the preparation and updating of the text of the National Development Strategy and the Program for its implementation.
On today’s session, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia adopted the text of the National Development Strategy 2024-2044 – the largest strategic document defining the main goals and measures for the country's development over the next 20 years.
The national development strategy traces the development path of North Macedonia in the next two decades
Today, the Assembly adopted the Law on the National Development Strategy with the support of MPs from both the ruling and opposition parties, representing almost all political parties present in the legislative house. This paves the way for the adoption of the text of the most comprehensive strategic document since the state's independence, outlining the main goals and measures for the development of the Republic of North Macedonia over the next 20 years.
The draft version of the National Development Strategy is now available on the National Electronic Registry of Regulations (ENER) for public consultation. All interested parties, including government institutions, businesses, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and citizens, have the opportunity to review the draft document on ENER and submit their views, comments, and suggestions.
The draft version of the National Development Strategy (NDS), outlining the country's priorities for the next 20 years, has been finalized and accepted by the Steering Committee comprising all deputy prime ministers, the Minister of Finance, Members of Parliament, members of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), representatives of embassies and international organizations, the business sector, and civil organizations.
Today, a workshop was held with more than 200 students from primary and secondary schools in the country. They learned how to identify misinformation and why fake news is harmful. They were also introduced to the main goals of the National Development Strategy/Strategjia Kombëtare për Zhvillim, a process that defines the country's development path for the next 20 years.
Over 450 representatives from national institutions, the civil sector, experts from various fields, and a large number of young people and youth organizations participated in the final consultations on the National Development Strategy yesterday and today.
Over 200 representatives from national institutions, the civil sector, experts from various fields, and numerous young people and youth organizations attended today’s final consultations on the National Development Strategy.
Foresight and future thinking was the topic of today’s discussion, which was held as part of the process of preparation of the National Development Strategy. The attendees at today’s event discussed each of the six strategic areas in the strategy and how to utilise the process of making informed predictions about the future for a more successful implementation of the NDS in the upcoming period.
Better use of existing ones, introduction of innovative instruments and mechanisms, as well as mobilizing additional resources to finance the Sustainable Development Goals was the main topic of today's discussion
Safe and resilient society was the topic of today's discussion, which took place as part of the process of drafting the National Development Strategy. The participants of the event discussed the future strategic development, i.e. finalizing and including the different points of view on the strategic goals and priorities in the final document of the strategy, from the aspect of security and resilience of the society.
"Promoting Environmental Justice – States, Challenges, and Perspectives" is the main theme of the two-day panel discussions involving stakeholders, related to the preparation process of the National Development Strategy.
Reforms in the judiciary, fighting against corruption, nonpartisanship and depoliticization of public institutions are necessary to achieve the goal of governance for citizens, which is one of the strategic areas of the National Development Strategy. These were the messages from today's Public Debate in the Committee on European Affairs of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, which was held as part of the comprehensive process of preparing the National Development Strategy (NDS).
Promoting a more competitive and innovative economy is one of the goals outlined in the National Development Strategy, a document that charts the country's development path for the next 20 years. A public debate to determine the strategic goals and priorities and the necessary systemic changes for the next two decades in the area of competitive and innovative economy was held in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia today, aiming to foster a more extensive discussion on this topic.
Providing sustainability for the National Development Strategy (NDS) over the next 20 years and strengthening the capacities of institutions for systemic research and foresight are the main topics of the two-day training on “Anticipatory Planning and Governance”.
Spatial planning and regional development should play a leading role in shaping the policies that will guide our country in the upcoming years, Members of Parliament concluded during today's debate on the National Development Strategy held in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The main focus of today's debate, titled "Relation of National Development Strategy to Spatial Planning and Regional Development," organized by the United Nations Development Programme and the Embassy of the United Kingdom, was the exchange of good practices in spatial planning, regional development, and the prioritization of the public interest in land planning and utilization.
Today, a public debate took place at the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, focusing the significance of local self-government and regional development, as part of the process of crafting the National Development Strategy for the next 20 years.
Ane Lashkoska, a Member of Parliament from VMRO-DPMNE in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, spoke about the process of creating the National Development Strategy.
Today's debate, held as part of the process of creating the National Development Strategy, focused on local self-government and regional development. The main emphasis of the discussion was on defining the necessary systemic changes in municipalities and their development over the next two decades.
Today, as part of the activities of the process of developing the National Development Strategy, an expert debate was organized on the topic of “Green and Digital Transformation”.
How to achieve demographic and social balance in the country was the topic of today's expert debate, which was held as part of the process of creating the National Development Strategy.
Today in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, a meeting of the Management Board for the creation of the National Development Strategy was held, which was expanded with two new members, representatives of business and the civil sector.
Governance for citizens is one of the strategic areas the National Development Strategy focuses on. Today, a debate on this topic was held, with the participation of experts, representatives from the judiciary, civil society organizations, state institutions, the business sector, members of parliament, and consultants.
Еxpert debate is being held today as a part of the development of the National Development Strategy in the framework of the strategic field dedicated to the territorial development. This debate is part of the activities of the process for preparation of the National Development Strategy.
An expert debate on the challenges, future priorities and social changes in the strategic area of the competitive and innovative economy was successfully held as part of the process of development of the National Development Strategy.
The conversation focused on the idea and the motive behind the creation of a comprehensive strategic document, as well as the importance of the process, the activities completed so far and the commitment to successful realization of the projected activities in the future.
A presentation was held at the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia on the activities completed so far for the creation of the National Development Strategy 2022-2024.
The goal of this workshop was to identify the most important strategic areas of the NDS methodologically and according to defined steps. The National Development Strategy is a complex process to carry out, for which joint work and synergy of all existing sectors in the country are needed.
Today, a visionary workshop was held with a focus on the joint foreign and security-defense policy, as part of the consultative process for the creation of the National Development Strategy.
The second meeting of the Steering committee of the process of creating the National Development Strategy was held.
The successful implementation of the National Development Strategy depends on the capacities of future governments to provide sustainable sources of financing.
The green economy, public institutions, science and research were the topics that were discussed on the three Visionary Workshops of the National Development Strategy (NDS) which were held in Skopje today
The business community expects the future to bring a stable energetic system, reform of the labour market and the education system in order to keep young people in the country, efficient and downsized public administration, empowerment of female entrepreneurship.
A Visionary Workshop with young people was held today in the Cabinet of the President, under the auspices of President Stevo Pendarovski, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in North Macedonia.
One year ago, we embarked on a mission together, to create the ‘National Development Strategy’ for North Macedonia
The first phase of the preparation for the National Development Strategy 2021-2041 has been completed, and the second phase is expected to start in January.
Fatmir Bytyqi, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Economic Coordination and Investment Coordination, Rachel Galloway...
With pleasure and enthusiasm I accepted the invitation of "Capital" to try to "frame" the last year in these few pages. I hope I succeeded in that.
The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, met today with the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs...
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