Our strategy


Strategy overview

The National Development Strategy is a long-term strategic document that with an inclusive, analytical and participatory approach will "produce" an anapolitical, inclusive, long-term, development document with identified priorities in the interest of society and the state.

Through modern and innovative development models, adapted to the domestic context and based on broad and meaningful consultation with all stakeholders, this strategic document will provide a clear vision for a planned and secure future to reflect intergenerational, gender, interethnic, inter-party and long-term consensus, for the priorities of the state, in order to ensure inclusive, green and sustainable development for all, and especially for the vulnerable categories of people.

The National Development Strategy will be a guide and vision for the Republic of North Macedonia in the period 2024 - 2044, and in the process of development several categories of stakeholders have been identified that will participate in the creation of this strategic document.



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